Just a couple of wee blogs to round off the year.

The new blog is now on my website. ImaGenisis

 Quinies and Loons.

The Mythical Cracks Appear On Schedule.

QuiniesThe Oddest thing that has to be the biggest irony the British nation has ever had to face is not on any schedule, list or agenda. And this little known fact could well cause considerable mirth and frivolity north of the border. Now is that crack a sign from the almighty over the great divide in the Highlander lowlanders schism. Now now stop cackling to yerselves its just not polite. But all joking aside awe well what the hell infer a penny in fir a poond.

Some time ago in the history of the mainland archipelago island in the once great British isles the divide was once a northern catholic nation with its own royal lineage and an aggressive envious southern divide that was invaded by German protestants. To illustrate this it is best seen as Catholics produced a sturdy female lineage also known as a matriarchy, while the southern cousins produced a patriarchy or good male line. Then to consolidate a union one Scottish king was welcomed into the southern lineage, an isn’t it funny in this day and age when we can look back in time to look at effective lineages to when kings were so bad in the lineage that they were discarded in any old car park and left to rot. It has a further point of irony when you realise that the strongest and best rulers of the line have all been women. Hmmmmmm begs the question doesn’t it. Fae a nation of quinies that sent 100 tae Kay Adams, where are the 100 men then, ow aye nae pittin yer heed above the parapit then, is that feet a hear shufflin and is that the humble as the mumble as they fumble the baw, jist on paper then.

And could that be why the bridge is cracking up at the irony. Just as a matter of interest has anyone had a selfy with this mythical crack. Jist askin so am ir jist askin min keep the heed the baws comin get ready fir it.

FIFA Las Vagas.

Evangelising The World.

Sign of The Times

Sign of The Times

The present evangelical zeal that is trying to galvanise the investment in the seed of mankind’s supposed greater good since the beginning of Christianity, Buddhism, Zen and their comparative martyrs and gurus first instructions to the tribe of man, is now marshalling its forces in the present day advance of the righteous brotherhood of modern day man as he begins the full enlistment process to recruit the hopeful to the cause of a better world for a supposed better people.

The inescapable drive for a descent and responsible world fly’s in the face of the numbers from the self-interested, the sheer amount of corruption is not only a world-wide virus of being, but the very nature of society endorses or enforces by circumstances, protocols and the layers of the pyramid of its vaulted heights insists on it remaining that way. If a study could be done on the choices that people make in tense or tough situations to gauge what the disposition of the average person is, would it favour self-interest, altruism or just reflect the real corrupt training from the environment. In this illicit environment could you in the light of the Chilcot time span, the FIFA sidesteps, or even the mythical search for the Western born children of the Taliban the present incarnation of Evil ISIL. This brings us back to the corporate lies in the form of the Volkswagen software riggers of the modern day incarnation of the brothers of Joseph’s children as they persecute and Harrie the righteous and worthy with their schemes for profit chasing and market share defending policies of the self-interested as they try to preserve their stakes in their markets and products. Well it must be that the present day priesthood of the legalese and legitimate claimers that is still underpinning all their endeavours and are still the highest financial drain on legitimate enterprise.

The quest to have a world that is governed by the exchange from day to-night still see itself as the righteous sons of the worthy cause. Ignoring the very facts of nature and the physics of the known universe still seems to fly in the face of the established facts of mankind and his supposed better nature. Oh yeah just show me the money honey, just what are the facts and figures here and please show us your working out in the margins or footnotes, only provable fact can be allowed no more speculation or assumed rights of the presumed consensus if you please. Expert witnesses and using everybody know is no longer acceptable either.

After the Mapping?

An Avatar Approach

Runic Cubed

Runic Cubed

What effect does the bodies genetic predispositions have in the current view of reincarnation? It is well understood from the viewpoint of the traditional reincarnates. The souls progress is seen to be all about the experiential point of view, that the soul will grow from directly experiencing life at the sharp end of existence. This viewpoint of reincarnation takes into account that life is on an eternally renewing spin cycle for the development of understanding and wisdom gained over many generations. The Buddhist concept that souls have no control over the ability to choose the lineage they will be born into, which the traditional search and the testing of the ‘Deli’ lama, clearly demonstrates. The main theme of the current understanding of reincarnation sees the body and its limitations or enhancements, its lineage and recessive’s as simply the karma for the particular soul itself. This helps to further extend the current understanding that the soul is being characteristically developed by experience. It is good to remember that your ‘self’ and all of your investment in it, experience, understanding, character and even personality if certain ghost stories have any validity is all that you can take with you from your current incarnation or life. No material thing will leave this realm with you, this is the strongest argument for the case as it stands to date.

The main understanding from the current thinking on reincarnation and the idea of the wheel of life is that souls are born into the world and then die to be reborn again. If the body being born into has a certain genetic predisposition for health and well being then the souls experiences will be well privileged and only circumstances and poor development (waste) can inhibit or enhance the experience. If the body that is being developed has certain recessive’s, in the form of illnesses disabilities then the souls progress is taken to task for sufferance through illness or disability to grow the dispositions to overcome hardship and limitations to experience difficulties and to either develop endurance and grow to a fuller understanding from the experiential point of being. Or adversely to experience the situation in a purely negative fashion depending on the development of the incarnate soul. So suffering is seen as a process for the souls development. That overcoming it is simply just one of the two experiential points of view concerning the situation itself. Physical disability is seen as a necessary experiential point for an incarnate soul to endure in either sufferance to build the will necessary to endure or overcome the physical limitations of genetics. Emotional and mental incapacity is also seen as having the same point of either endurance of the condition or to overcome the limitations of it as their spectrum of experience allows, so from sufferance at the base level of the spectrum of character to the suffer in silence point of placid acceptance, right up through the acceptance, denial and endeavour traits of living with the condition through to the immature blamer and complainer to the stoic point of character that never shows any weakness and takes it all on the chin depending on how many lives the soul has lived, are the valid states of character or lack of it for the immature soul. The direct memory of any of the previous lives is inhibited when the souls is cast outside a continuous lineage, it is interesting to note that some reincarnates that died in sudden or horrendous ways has been seen as why some children have displayed knowledge of dying or having lived before which usually passes by the age of five (there are always exceptions in an imperfect state) and is usually dismissed by the parents as the active imagination of the child acting out. The church used baptism to cleanse any disturbed souls as they were seen to christen the consciousness into the present body by their new given name in the name of the godhead. So the soul is settled into the new life and ready to start this incarnations progress on the wheel. Stopping any hell born from sneaking out of the fiery pit no doubt. The reincarnation spin cycle will over the lineage of a particular genetic lineage develop a souls predisposition. The characteristic types on that spectrum only serve to reflect the state of the incarnates developmental progress.

The genetic enhancements of good health and well-being are experienced as an advantage or disadvantage that will affect the development point of being. The genetic disabilities of physical handicap and disability are for the soul to gain a fuller understanding of characteristic development. The same is also true for the emotional and mental faculties of the incarnated being all empowering or delimiting the spiritual disposition and resolve of the individual. Wealth and advantage are again just an experiential development process for the particular incarnation. The fact that karma is a balances and checks system that is used to level the processes of necessary developments left to experience or to delimit the character because of any unbalanced predispositions weighing down the advancement in a psychic mire. The weary soul that does not start to comprehend the processes of life and wearies at the seemingly senseless and randomness of life at the sharp edge. Will be more prone to suffering and may even unbalance the conscious state or affect the emotional well-being in an adverse manner. It does sort of beg the question that if consciousness is the core of the soul as the body is a physical mass to inhabit then does consciousness have to experience all of conscious life, animal, flora and then up the sentient trail to benign sentience. Then it will take forever on the wheel by sheer will and application alone lending the whole concept more into the realms of the scientific point of view with millions of years or millennia to be proven against, rather than the seven-day eventists view of a magical sweep of a deities hand. Unless the world and its timeline was a virtual creation all detailed and tagged over time from beginning to end like a 3D environment has a timeline for access and each object has a database of parts materials etc and the deity just placed the creation point at day one, had an avatar and walked the pathways of the virtual reality before committing it to run. for the first seven days to creat the necessary environment for a stable matrix to start from. Allowing the random startup or selected startup of available self-aware types to be imbedded in matter to experience the reality of being first person POV.

In a nut shell that is the established considerations of the reincarnation process as opposed to the idea of the immortal soul as seen by the religious bodies of the established world. They postulate that the soul is cast into the physical dimensions from a lineage of the first man, the notion of the ‘Adam’ is, that the raw inexperienced soul is set into a state of paradise from which the inexperienced soul is by default cast out into the inhospitable world of chaos. The downfall from paradise is a predictable outcome given the souls inexperience and ignorance in the well provided paradise and with an uneducated ego at its base, the inevitable fall was the only outcome from such a virginal and innocent state of being. The religious view that the soul is travelling the world of experience to regain the character to be fit for paradise is the unstated script of most god head religions, earning its way back to paradise. The notion that a single creator made the environment before planting the seed or creating the first man has similar analogies in the making of the nest or lair before the delivery of the brood, litter or clutch into the nursery, this has a parallel in the parables that have managed to evade the comparison in any religious tenets has until now largely gone unnoticed. The prodigal or lost soul on its way back to the original souls home. But life when you leave the nest hardly ever brings a comparable substitute home to the life that journeys the pathways of the world.

The assumed fact that a souls incarnation will have to take into account productive and unproductive states of being to fully comprehend the extent of experiential understanding that is needed. Has its roots in the concept that there are four distinct states of manifest being in the stable of mankind. The Male state of being that is encapsulated as the dominant state of mankind and this historic dominator uses his position for the access to breeding females and food and shelter, which is all very primitive but no less pertinent, no seed no cycle. The women of the clan have been subjugated by spiritual, financial and social circumstances and practices, even physical domination practices like binding feet takes the process all the way back to the earliest dates for this kind of behaviour in so called civilised man’s dominions and communities. With the advent of sciences viewpoint that make up the necessary pairing for the breeders of the clan of man, this subjugation has ensured that women are tied into a social structure for the breeding program for the continuance of the tribe. That leaves the non breeding state of the socially included helpers that are not sexually active even called mules or societies aunts and uncles. The state of being that is a non breeding particle in the model that is sexually active and is attracted to its own gender make up the fourth quadrant in the group inclusion of mankind’s socially understood dynamics. The reincarnating soul will have to directly experience all of these perceptions of personal points of view by at least living it once, or will be there in sufferance till a rational is struck for comprehension to grow. The state of consciousness as it experiences and grows has to be likend to the software in the machine (body) and that it is effectively upgraded and improved or delimited by the experiences of the particular incarnation.

The complete picture of the reincarnationists view does not state that the final journey is towards a reconciliation with a deity, but that life has a purpose over time for the souls sojourn from the blackness of ignorance to the enlightened state of benign sentience. This is all from the standpoint of the souls progress from the experiential point of being and so far implicates environment as tutor, container or even prison for the duration or a repeat till comprehension is achieved on the spin cycle of reincarnate life, when a point of ascension is achieved and the transcendent soul is taken off the life eternally renewing itself on the established view of the wheel into the life eternal state of blissful being. Life Eternal. Not to dissimilar to the notion of the prodigal sons return to paradise lost, for the religious bodies of the world with their fall and return philosophy for spiritual being. The idea of a successful lineage of ascended souls that remain here incarnate as they please to oversee the process of the wheel is very enticing considering that both spiritual philosophies beg the question that the environment was made first before the march of consciousness began the journey out of the base matter and ignorance or innocence of the first state to the ascended and beneficent or benign sentience. The idea that an Indian Brahman is reputed to create a body for use and to dismiss it when it has served its purpose adds further to this theory.

Now we come to mechanistic man and his viewpoint that the physicality of being and the mind is all that there is has at its central core the DNA base for all beings. This religiously held belief that man is the sum of his chemistry his genetic lineage and experience is all that exist and except for the intellectual viewpoint of philosophy. That mind and body and its necessary ‘well being’ are all that constitute the parts that are considered to be the properties in the make up of a human being. The idea of a soul has largely be dismissed as emotional delusions or the necessary devices for to allow a deprived state of being the useful crutch to lean on to get through a debilitated existence. So speaks the materialistic and mechanistic man with his house of science with its viewpoint of being concerning the material world and it’s make-up, from the standpoint of the sciences, engineering, psychology and philosophy to draw on for their data and relative understanding. With comparative religion coming pretty far down the list for pragmatic materialistic man with a fixed focus on the immediate and limited spectrum of historically established and provable observations and testing data to draw on for any form of validation. So as the genome is now mapped and science spends its time switching and splicing, the proof of this having a lasting effect on a lineage will require maybe a five hundred year study to see if unexpected recesives inhibit and are behind the skipped generation probability. It is becoming clearer that certain characteristics are passed on in a lineage, the argument for selective breeding is a case in point for the ascended souls theory and even that ‘Mammon’s’ realm serves a higher order and needs policing is an equal point to note.

There is an old saying that states if you have a problem that requires a solution then you have only the facilities and resources available to you as well as your life experience to draw on before you might have to ask for assistance to get a resolution to the problem you need to resolve. It has been established over time that if you ask a carpenter for a solution to your problem, then carpentry will be used as the base to deliver your solution. If you ask a metal worker for a solution to your problem then you will get a smiths or a steel erectors solution to your problem, if you ask a builder that covers all of the disciplines for building structures and creating habitats then you will get a builders solution and finally if you ask a lawyer for a solution you will end up tied up in litigation and they will own your goods till you make restitution for their services. The solution will always grow out of the discipline of the guru and will be delimited by their experience and knowledge, so careful what you ask for may just have an equal point in careful who you ask for what you need, you may just get their best to date model delivered instead of the all time all sing and dancing polished and tried and tested solution any hard pressed buyer wants for their hard earned, with all of the usual set of neurotic need for getting all of the guarantees they can and in writing or on contract would be better if you pretty please.

In all of the sciences you have the same problem with asking for an answer to a non physical problem or anomaly in life it will first of all be identified into a particular discipline and then a solution will be concocted to suit the budget they will require you to pay them to use to get you your solution. It will either have to be square pegged into one of their established round holes or they will have to develop a new discipline to get that all elusive solution. The radium spectrum, the electromagnetic, the light spectrum will all be tested against the philosophical implications of the unknown area and all perceived repeatable and provable test cases will be reviewed and tested against the anomaly. When this only proves that the new problem or area for consideration are seen as being outside of their fields of knowledge or experience then they will return a verdict of ‘outside of our field of experience or knowledge’ and that will as history has proven be the end of your enquiry with that particular set of experts.

The limitation of the present set of knowledge bases that the established experts in all of the sciences have to draw on relies on repeatability and provability. This really limits the enhanced understanding of the third area of the definition of being namely the spiritual or as they like to euphemise it into the state of ‘well being’ or even its to pragmatic area of philosophy or psychology with its much maligned poorer cousin parapsychology. This merry go round has been in place because the established view of being that comes from the ancient concept of mankind has three constituent parts, Mind, Body and Spirit. The emotional nature has so far been ostracised as being beneath the notice of the sciences except where problems from this disapproved of point of experience has caused problems in the mainstream of society, disruption and chaos are still seen as the main offspring from this tacky and ill thought of and often inconsequential transient state of experience. The main problem with emotional behaviour is no two people express the same emotional responses to similar or even exactingly alike circumstances. The emotionally driven are easily overcome as history has proven just ply them with drink and stand back and watch the fallout. Drink and emotions do not mix ask any late night weekend medical person on A&E workloads in inner city modern mans domains, any continent or any country ‘No’ but that’s another story and needs some finger pointing.

The main problem with such a long term cycle of non progress in an area that has had such historic and thorough testing must eventually raise the question that something is missing in the quantifier and not in the results. It sort of further begs the question that after several millennium of chasing its tail the observational record keepers still have not identified the area of lack in their own perceptions and insights, that formed their earliest definitions into the manifest state of being that is the collective known as mankind. So how to quantify an area without an established scale to define its range, how do you comprehend its qualities and quantities without a set of definitions to test them against. When the whole area has been categorised under the headings of problematic, self delusional, personal interpretive experiences based on personal philosophy or spiritual doctrines. The problem areas are again compounded by traditional spiritual schools of thinking, established views on the various states of mental and emotional imbalance That is psychosis and neurosis to you and me. Psychosis at the worst end of the spectrum is seen as pathological and at the benign and ends as being antisocial tendencies or the area of the dependent characteristic traits that require the attentions of a carer, OCD and autism and aspergers to name but three. The neurosis at its worst end of the spectrum has roots in emotionally imbalanced, the traditional cannon fodder of the old mental institutions of the old Victorian era their solution was to shut it away and deny all responsibility, and if anyone wants to study or experiment then keep that behind impenetrable walls of silence and denial. Words like schizophrenia and even just plain old disturbed are still the established banners that are at the head of this tacky class definitions for the emotionally unbalanced or psychological impaired. The modern day terms for the middle ground are still depression and paranoia.

This is the modern day triage ward of the resurrectionists point of view of sufferance. The mind that cannot process just simply in logic has trouble relating and nationalising not only to their world, its meaning or even what they feel they should be doing or experiencing in life. The incarnationists would just view that as the souls journey to come to terms with suffering and is only one incarnation on the wheel as it builds up experience in its eternal journey. But for the sciences this is a placation tool to a dependent characteristic that needs an emotional crutch to lean on in a world with a whole definition of being about to leave the full spectrum of understanding or comprehension.

Now with the mapping of the human genome man is again at the threshold of identifying its known areas of being with its current research into gene splicing and manipulation to improve the physical state of a single incarnation of life from a particular genetic lineage or branch of life. The whole idea of recessive’s seems to have escaped their notice as the fountain of eternal youth followers and funders will find out that you can affect a certain line or branch for a few generations but the unidentified recessive’s and incidental ones will turn the whole thing around again in just a few generations, but don’t let that stop them from fleecing and greasing the gullible to further fund research, after all that which cannot perceive with insight must take notes and test till destruction to glean understanding from data into knowledge, shame they cannot just look at the mapping, see with perceptions insight and comprehension and just see the golden thread and know, as just simply knowing is frowned on by the discipline as being an esoteric science if not an out-and-out black art in its own right. This intuitional approach to perception with insight, makes a leap of comprehension with limited data to an inescapable conclusion from genetic level of experiential understanding from some genetic lineages, sometimes refered to in the old vernacular as old-fashioned wisdom. Still a hotbed of untested, insupportable and even crank or from the realms of the old Dr Snake Oil reservation for getting the punters silver dollars. This brings us to the great store of locked in knowledge in certain lineages that is outside of the reach of conventional wisdom and study to access. The present system of knowledge and understanding that has, relied on the observationalist record keepers point of view of so called dispassionate testing and quantifying more commonly known as the ‘scientific method’ traditionally shies away from emotive statements and declarations, that would undermine their standing within their own realm and their relative peer groups credibility ratings on the world-wide stage.

The dilemma is not being able to quantify the emotive, spiritual, consciousness itself as they are all to often regarded as being more in the realms of the superstitious or even hysterical point of view of the inner states of being. Wouldn’t it be good to have a comprehensive map for that area of being that is as useful to the perception process as a DNA mapping is for the material makeup of the host body is. One for their Christmas list then, they be like ….. ‘Dear Santa just as soon as you can pretty pretty please, RSVP the Blind leading the blind’.

What if all that was wrong with them was that they think too pragmatically, the human genome passes on more than just physical characteristics it also lends credence to a lineage passing on certain instinctive knowledge, and others display some traits from that old worrying intuitional level of being with perceptions and insights and a certain level of innate wisdom to some of its current descendants, plus or minus the occasional skipped generations and clashing recessive’s of course. This brings us to the lineages that have the elusive perceptual faculties and predispositions towards the creative aspects of mind, imagination and insight. This of course begs the question where one, two or all of these faculties show up, just in a lineage in varying degrees of capability, just what is the physical process and function that writes the DNA in a particular lineage, rewriting the DNA at the nuts and bolts level is simple and is in situ, but is there a complete body renewal process for the ascended. The mechanism is not obvious from the mapping, as the mapping is just a road map of the current specimen being observed, its chemistry and base parts. Well, without understanding the use of recessive’s the answer to that may just lay outside the box for the logic heads.

The product of yet another gruelling process of by the numbers break it down to the tiniest details and get out the slide rules, the almanacs and consult the ancient lab gurus, as this current incarnation of experimentalists has passed the relevent cusp, and the primal point of true vision and understanding for immediate convenience of selling out their ideals for a grant or a subsidy by at least all the generations since the hippy daydreamers acid tripped a better future for mankind under the control freaks clause that they will own and retain all knowledge under their banners, so they just signed on the dotted line and each incarnation since has done exactly the sam’e thing since. So four or five generations adrift in the continuing flow of driving ignorance of experimentation as the next level of seekers all bought the conveniently available red pill from old establishment of Morpheus and so condemned each successive generation to miss out on the blue pill Neo experience for all time. No way back as the current crop is degraded and compromised to the exclusion of the development tools to get back on the bandwagon that has more than left the solar system of comprehension and is heading to the outer limits of the known universe. If only there was a wise person, you could deal with if you could afford him.

The inheritors of the pampered children of the pampered children of the pampered children of the hippy day trippers as they all sold out and took the record deals, book deals and were institutionalised generation after generation till we are now in the diminished rights of the individual as the institution has asset stripped them of their rights in the name of convenience, all this from the radicle demonstrators of the fifties and sixties only showed the dinosaurs or concrete boys how to close the loopholes that inhibited their total control of the masses.

So to pose a final question as the reward for reading all the way to the end, what is the process that instructs changes into the instinctive nature of man, what is the process that instructs the eureka moment for the intuitional instructional set and finally what is it that instructs the changes to the inspirational point of consciousness, one physical update by the emotive pen of experience and two software upgraders that are outside of the box of the current observational record keepers, the keepers of the mapping of the physicality of being. Answers on a GBP 200 million pound note and  ……….. or you could just ask someone who ‘knows’. After all, if you have a start point and a probable conclusion then the stages should be easy to road map for such educated people with big pieces of paper after their names that are really just someone’s opinion of their so-called brilliance.

The Scottish Schism

Healing the Cracks.

Clan Scotland

Clan Scotland

The recent referendum has been blamed for creating a schism in the Scottish psyche. This current piece of southern british banter is proving to be more of a propaganda release for the bitter together band of deluded brothers that form the first ranks from the westminster tactical stance to crush a mythical Scottish rebellion. This is another media blame tool that is being bandied about to muddy the waters till the next rigged elections in 2020 and this 20/20 vision is in need of an optician. It lacks the insight into the political awakening that is currently reforming the Scottish sense of identity as Scotland goes through a reformation of political perceptions.


The original split in the Scottish psyche was started by the highlanders and the ‘lowlanders’, this was the main target of the British invaders and was further compounded by Longchamps as he drove to divide and conquer this nation. The Belted Earls that were banished and moved to Scotland and used their heraldry to create the clan crests in their new lands (the little infiltrators), they are the wolf among the sheep and the Fenrir cubs began the laws of attrition that lead to the clearances. The Highlander lowlanders divide was further exploited by Longchamps and the banished cubs to drive a deeper wedge in the Scottish psyche. The so called english lands that were payment for some of the clans were just a reinstatement of family piles from the original banished earls. The second big fracture to further crack the rock of ages had to wait till the miners strike where family was turned against family and friend against friend on the picket lines of the modern day hold outs and the scabs that sold out, and still the mines have disappeared and the divide is still there. The third and final blow was the fracture caused by the modern day freedom fighters as they tried to hold on to their own country, while the bitter together sell outs were back in force in George Square. The final headcount that the election produced a massive SNP majority as the old hard line division is losing members with the passing of time. 2016 should still see a massive SNP support to keep Nicola in place till the 2020 foresight.


The original split showed by the highlanders and the lowlanders clearly created two camps north of the border. The Highlander holdouts who dug their heels in while the lowlanders sellouts turned their back and took the bribes or crumbled to the acts of attrition from the southern invaders. As the divide deepened the injury of invasion caused the depth of distrust in the Highlander’s hearts for their own sellouts and their masters. The hard line highlanders and their hold out policy was further tested as their younger generations were being driven out of hearth and home in the clearances. While the sellouts were conscripted into the so called union. The war of attrition began in earnest then. This tactics are still being employed today by the modern day oppressor as they make it impossible for the holdouts as they never call us. The so called unionist partners just cant seem to change their spots. 


The general blame mechanism that has been leveled at the modern day 45% rebellion from the westminster propaganda machine is further hampered and possibly falling on deaf ears as the floundering red herrings the old labour party have all but disappeared in the phoenix fire of the revivalist Scottish pride rising up from the ashes of the last general election landslide by the 56 new SNP workers. Now that this nation is used to the tactics of fear and intimidation that was used against them by the southern land grabbing british invaders and dictators. Their bitter together campaign has proven since the election that they will never ever keep their word and that we are not partners in a union but a commodity for their own uses.


This nations 1.6 million modern day rebels and last vestiges of the children’s children from the original holdouts are now off their knees and marching to a modern day tune of independence and are finally about to say that enough is finally enough. Next year should see a further advance in the cause as the swollen ranks of the SNP the guard dog at the Westminster door settles into the dog house that is the seat of non-representatives and keeps nipping at the heels of the indifferent masters to the whole nation they are supposed to be governing. They do confuse responsibility with the stupid notion of ownership, not what a union of equals would suggest but there you have it. So lets hope that Nicola can still be there to spearhead the second campaign for the weary hearts and minds of an asset stripped nation as it gets from its collective knees to its feet as it begins the march to freedom.


So in 2020 lets hope that we have 20/20 foresight that is the insight of perception from 20/14 hindsight. And gives this nation a clearer vision of a better future for all of us.


Things to come

The way we were

Human Kind?

The way of the World

I was recently asked what had I seen arrive or disappear in my lifetime. It is a massive undertaking and I will probably miss out a few of the obvious ones.

In this lifetime I have seen the record player, music studio magnetic tapes and records go to the wall, but it goes back further than that, the ink pen and inkwell school tables, tube radios and TV’s, using a projector in lessons was replaced with TV. Then there is the glass milk bottle with its customary inch and a quarter of cream on the top, leave so called full cream milk as long as you like today it doesn’t have any cream in it but additives (but that’s another story for another day). Cheep plastic sandles for the beach, sandshoes and baseball boots saw trainers knock them off their perches. Then there was the twin tub washing machine, the mangle (mum used it and so did dad). The Walkman and the portable CD players were also early shower candidates as well as the Betamax and VHS video devices.

The ones on the precipice are the land line phone, the digital camera is already making the creaking film industry shift it’s gears to. The wrist watch is becoming a luxury item again.

Even though I think the ball point pen is safe who can tell in this day and age.

Makes you Wonder

Keep the Faith

Keep the Faith

Why does such a mega rich country like say for arguments sake Norway pay the going rate to the ‘we have you by the ports, we have you by the passports, and barricaded behind border patrols, group of EU we are all of one mind-set diktats. Just how corrupt is the whole European Union Fif’if a know.

So see that the Pope is finding out why there is no central body minister to the world in the Judaism church nor in the other Muslim one either, as the body will get to the point it thinks it knows better than the divine selection. Tell me how that comes out.

Roma City 0
God           1

While it looks as if the boys are back in town as Putin struts onto the main save the world stakes of the Crush the fight out of Isis Gold spectator’s cup. Then walks right into a western jab of you’re a drug cheat and a scandal. Then just as we think he should be reeling from the body blow follow up. The question about the super drug enhanced man needs a separate set of rules and competitions and the Olympic ideal can remain the sterile test of man the puny lucky ingrate that he is. So could it be time for some long term investment from the oligarchs. Or do you believe that the outside no hoper might just beat the drug stimulated bravado of the so called superman. Who knows time will tell.

So who had the most to gain from the downfall of Volkswagen just askin, jings min somebiddies gottae.

The Threat Of Big Brother

Look before you Leap

Keep the Faith

Keep the Faith

Data aware companies of the present age are by nature of the market forces that create and polish the final production process. presently have businesses in the ruthless money making exploitative and competitive advantage takers of the present fish bowl of commerce. This does not speak very highly for trustworthiness, reliability or any other form of faith based inspirations or associations. They should not necessarily be trusted with personal information for these reasons. With all the recent and historic losses of data, whistle blowers and leaks the system is like a well holed rubber dingy in a torrent of converging streams. Doesnt exactly inspire confidence let alone faith.

The well reported and often badly credited central information centre, all the information on every person born and registered in a country is if nothing else a warning not to put all our eggs in one basket. It data is modelled on a region by region for each country (local Authority) and the system that they are all housed on, (birth hospital to working environment and GPS, transaction tracking and any DNA and physical characteristics) need to be housed on a system that is monitored by a central integrity system that only ever checks the local systems for anomalies and any attacks on integrity. A core buffer section on each with manual data transfers, an external data system that has a taker and a putter in place to keep any form of virus screened by the process. A data block of say two gigabyte of raw data, no special characters and no system level to pass any external virus or hacking device into the central core. Any business or bank transactions will have accessibility for checking on and external data block like the buffer to allow one way transactions only and each data block is unique and cannot be moved again as a solid block. The central system must have dedicated lines and will never be on a public network or allow public access without a level of predescribed access criteria.

This build is not a critical time line build and will require patients and will be active as a full companion to the existing system till it has 70% integrity in place. And that the final build and update for a world populace GPS ID system can show where people are at any given time, cant swipe a stolen card while in the library 200 miles away.

Each local authority has to house the local indigenous information and add any new residents via transfers and immigrants, migrant workers and transients should become easier to track by rote. The security of the national set can only then be accessed by personal information stolen from well meaning companies and is historically prone to abuse and failures due to the human condition. An attack at a local level will only reveal one set of information, the same attack on another area will raise some early warnings and the third strike should bring the attack to a halt in double quick time.

Time to think again. Lucky there is an emerging nation that can set up its own systems on this model and not buy into the leaking data model from the rest of the world.


All about the Weather

Clan Alba

Clan Alba

With the diminishing harm from the mexican sea storm, barely making the news now. It made me think about the Scottish always and historically being well a bit under the weather really. Short daylight do you think the Norsemen may have brought the weather with them. The poor Scottish always season bound and locked indoors dreaming of finer things and waiting on visitors for news and information of what is going on in the wider world, Thank god fir a fast internet and a fresh google search tae quench yer thirsty needs. Well over to Hamish and Mactavish for another little skit.

The breeze that is his all mighty goodness burst into morning stars room and bellowed, lad that wiz great ave been stuck up there in heaven fir an age, noo a kin see a wee bit clearer if yeh get mah drift, so ah can. Eh So whit wiz it yeh pinged me fir son.

Morning star Looked up from his book and with a little knowing smile said well its all about the revelation thing and the test of time clause.

Aye sun ah ken there is work tae be done before the seventh seal lad. Am just getting out owe auld saintly clauses pious gaze and chastisement, min whit bairns dae tae their parents. So ah though a wiz entitled tae some R&R doon here in yer sin house before a have tae get back tae destinies points in time.

Aye ah ken da, but yeh said yehd tell me if ah got this far, yknow the secret of the test of time.

Almighty let out a big raucous laugh and looked arround a bit sheepishly in case the former younger and now holy ghost of the trinity. Caught himself and smiled then continued to regard morning star with some amusement before he leaned in a little and said think yer ready fir this.


Right own yer ain heed be it. Well there is the seven colours of the rainbow that is only ever seen in a certain spectrum and is painted on the moisture in the air itself for the eye to see.


And there are the seven wonderful days of the week, that still have the sun and the moon at the start and end of the week.


And that the only divinity still mentioned in that great Calender tool is the Odin’s day (wodensday or Wednesday to us modern fools) , Thor’s day (Thursday) and guess and of course the third consecutive link for Frida’s day. The roman eraser washed the others off the calendar, so the test of time is that it should be a trilogy of Father, Son and then Mother is the station of the kind of man, who is not on the wheel.

Is that it min.

Well fir that decision, its just a left clues fir masel that will reveal themselves to me as and when I need them, sort of Just In Time, or as you call it awe last-minute, or aye late.

So there is mare tae the test owe time then, jist yeh suggested something else.

Just like me when ah wiz yer age lad always keen tae learn. But …. Aye there is the purpose of the genetic heritage the so called sins of the father being visited on the children, the cosmetic manipulation they are doing is all purely switching things on and off in a lineage or host that may carries recessives, bit of a moot point there then.

Aye morning star said as he nodded ruefully for his da tae carry own.

And this lot think that they can artificially stimulate the characters maturation point through the access to the lineages historic skills and abilities, dream on suckers that’s no how it works min.

Well thank you to Hamish and Mactavish for that little skit there, think the writing is improving boys but still think the content is a bit dodgy. All depends on whether you think God has a sense of humour doesnt IT.

Still havent mastered how access the genetic lineage and hoping to have something in place further down the line to quicken the crop?

Owe aye and if anyone out there is interested in the Program to rehabilitate the character and not just use behavioural adjusting to limp along by, tested over for more than twenty-five years. Accepting offers no time wasters please.

Bhagavad Gita

The Way IT Is

Clan Alba

Clan Alba

The present argument about another #2IndyRef is not taking into account the types of needs we require, the final headcount, the potential swing factor or anything else, conversion from the rock of ages to give back sovereignty to a brow beaten, and downtrodden country, with low life expectation, material and emotional as well as spiritual deprivations show the careless disregard ‘which’ the present owner of Scotland really thinks about any pretence of a union. The investment made by the Scottish people to remain in this union covers a 300 year period, that includes these non-war atrocities, land clearances, persecution by a so called equal partner, theft, extortion, a war of attrition on the poor, the infirm, the spiritually different under the tender auspices of the protestant infiltrators and his henchmen the Royal House of Windsor, oh no it wasn’t it was the name they had before Bowes Lyon. Tudor’s and Longchamps and off course our own turncoat royals and ship deserters infiltraitors that brought a nation low will pay the resultant price, to they that all looked after themselves, except for a Mr Wallace and a young Queen called Mary who our next door neighbouring persecutors cannot even find their bodies, just a wee bit to convenient for comforts sake given the present conundrum about the value of the Scottish rising.

Well the truth is the Scottish never believed any idiot they don’t know or have never met can hold any power over them, that’s what made the manipulative romans build a wall to keep this form of disease out of their empire building ways. Stealing gods lands and holdings even over a three hundred years of growing defiance from his chosen trustees to this form of subjugation has left the Scottish people keeping to themselves, never trusting the lineage of the invader dictators that cannot accept that god given gifts do not come with the devils receipts attached just his word that possession is all of the law for goods and property. We need no set of man-made deeds to prove his stewardship. The grubby greedy nation that has gone around the globe throwing its weight on other nation historically has never changed its spots. The belted earls that came up here from the house of the envious next door neighbor, and laid down the same insult as the nailing of a carpenter to two pieces of wood, started calling themselves Scottish and could even claim royalty as the exiled and bastard lineages from the den of thieves that invaded, laid claim to and then went on to bully all opposition out of existence with a war of contrition. The natural scot that is left is a keep yourself to yourself form of self-preservation going on in the face of the fact that our land is invaded and run by a tyranny that only ever suits its own and persecutes any and all others. The inside track is a privilege to their own and is used to exclude us in our own lands.

The final solution is about to be implemented. Each region must propose an independent and crowd funding from each area will show the right sort of proportional representation that each candidate has. The independent candidate has one single mandate to be there as the paid position as the people’s representative. When there are enough votes cast for the collective independent representatives the mandate will be set for the people to weigh up the total votes for independents against all the other parties to see if they are indeed representative of the people’s will for independence. A vote for an independent is a vote for independence. If the first returns prove to be unsatisfactory then it is a mandate for the followers of freedom to enlighten their resident English lineage invaders children to give power back to those they stole it from before he that gave will come and take back and he is not known for subtlety. Check any biblical flood, Sodom and any other genocidal solution historic or tidal. The Middle Eastern need for force still says that man knows force better and responds better to it than just doing as your conscience tells you. So the point of no return approaches and man still likes guns and the ideas of empowerment bullying and dictating terms. Well that which you so is that which you will reap. The point of no return is now at your event horizon make the adjustments to tack, course, windage and terrain accounted for and set a correcting course change that brings the good ship mankind onto more favourable shores of the new future for the wayward sons. Anything else will be a unionist decision to a Scottish problem.

Time is for once on our side.

Have Pages Clan Scotland, Clan Alba, Clan 45% and all available artwork, sept’s and devices for the new funding program, looking for a developers fee. Admin and monitors will be needed.