Daily Archives: May 4, 2011

Divvying the Political Pie

Voice of the Voiceless

The big debate on the run up to tomorrows elections is actually more about the AVent got a clue, fudge the figures betting scam lead by the lefte idiots and the bromantic coalition parties. Otherwise known as the tote ‘bet you can’t tell what it is all of them are not really telling us’, no really. Really, really, really.

The clue to the secret was in the infomercial that was put out about how the new Alternative Voting system is fairer more representative doesn’t actually works.

In the first part of the presentation they showed two choices being considered by ten people, to either go to the pub or go for a coffee. All nice and simple using the options the majority was carried and they all went for a pint, then in the second part they showed one person asking to go to the Crown PUB, another suggests the George & Dragon PUB and another wants the Wheatsheaf PUB, because of the good grub, then the other choice is a coffee again. So let’s list the options again in the first part, the PUB or the coffee, then look what happens when you take the other selection, three PUB s and a coffee. Not exactly a fair demonstration that is in reality masking a two choice selection as four separate selections. Who do you think you are kidding Mr Fiddlers.

The most obvious anomaly that none of the ‘we want it all our own way’ mob of ‘this is the only game in town’ brigade of modern day dictators is the ability they have to convince all the people of this country that they are representing this country, and as far as we can all make out the proportional representation includes every eligible voter in the land, then how come more than one third of the voting populace that don’t vote have their votes not counted, discarded, thrown away, in any other so called fair election process, like a commons vote in Da house, the ayes are counted, the no’s are counted and the abstainers that can survive the whipping in are counted. So how exactly is that proportional representation of an entire country when even Mugabe couldn’t rig a vote like that hmm.

This chart shows the slices that make up the main runners and rider in the let us run your country fairer for you as we are all in it together, or in this case no we are not.

How can a country that claims to be a democracy, that claims to be representative of the good folks that vote for them by giving them their collective power of attorney or ‘proxy’ and yet they throw away the votes of the people that do not want to bet in a rigged system just so that they can pretend to be getting half of the voting public’s proxy hmm. No must just be another of life’s little mysteries folks, just another one of those little things eh.

In light of this evidence how can any so called modern democracy that throws away the abstainers votes, ever be representative of the people that they claim they are representing, that never actually listen to the voters, that never hear the cries of the down trodden and the alienated as they ride roughshod over the populace putting in place massive restrictions, and population controls to manipulate behaviour and steer public opinion as they do as they please and head for their utopia that you can bet doesn’t have our collective interest at heart minus over a third of the populace’s proxy.

So let’s take a close look at the figures as they are in reality and not in any central propaganda promotion from the self preservation society.

Just less than two third of people actually vote in the rigged elections, that’s nearly six out of ten people. If they get fifty percent of the collective vote and the also-ran’s eat up a tenth of the vote that gives them a minor lead but it is still not half of the vote savvy.

As you can see from the above graphic things just don’t add up, just like a government review body never gets to the bottom of the problems, banks can go broke and bankrupt and the economy of the world is rock solid honestly. Trust me I’m not a Politician.

How the political pie is cut up and passed around the sixty percent of the game riggers, liars and cheats that just want your vote.

So if you didn’t know the context of the text on this page and saw the pie charts just who would you think had just won the election from the numbers. Hmm.

Well the question has to be they can’t talk for the voting populace as they keep getting them wrong, they can’t speak for the abstainers because they don’t know a thing about them so how exactly are we all in it together boys.

It’s odd in a country that relies on the rainfall and does not have an irrigation plan in place for extreme summers that they will stand by and watch crops die of thirst instead of gathering water from the local rivers and streams and use them as occasional irrigation solutions for times when hose pipe bans are in place and crops will die if they all sit around hoping for rain, they could always twin themselves with the Dakota Tribe of American Indians and hire in a Raindancer to help them out in times of hardship.

It may we hot after the harsh winter but it is proving good for the collective soul, of the nations that are receiving it, it is a bit odd though that the moon is stable and the worlds collective weather and ecological zones are all wobbling from one extreme to another and the earth is getting frozen then scorched in rotation, or is that another coincidence.