Its Just Criminal Mate

The overburdened justice legal system is groaning under the weight of the commercial need to punish property crimes, theft, damage etc. The jails are overflowing with minor criminals being given a lesson by nanny state, no longer the short sharp shock, now its more like a wagging finger.


Real hard line career criminals are a diminishing breed, the changes in the law dealing with stronger property seizures, money tracking and proving their sources has had its affect, but violent spontaneous attacks on vulnerable types seems to be a new trend, but is it just that a more visible spotlight is being shone on a social problem that has been around for a long time. The blairing truth is that some people are just nasty by nature, full of resentment and hatred. These insecure types that feel they are being overlooked, think they need to do more and more outrageous things to get attention just to feel credible. The eventual outcome is that the public sectors need to see punishment for property crimes is causing the legal system to loose perspective a little. This whole problem can be seen in microcosm in Gordon Browns misdirection on the status of cannabis. While alcohol has ravaged this nation for decades, and still commands our police forces activities from a Friday night to a Monday morning, commandeering man hours, money and resources. While cannabis hasn’t even taken a single life, but is demonised buy a certain quarter.


The legal system is straining under the pressure to perform as required from the thin blue front line at the sharp end to the incarcerators now having their public say. They should know what works best after all they are at the front end.


Is it about time that we all took a step back for a few moments and looked at the problem, if insurers want to bring greater pressure to the legal process, and they are the single biggest cause for property punishment, shouldn’t they be investing in building secure units just for persistent property offenders. After all they are the major cause of the pressure on the system, because the bring pressure to bear on an overburdened process. They should not be allowed to police the places but they should be subsidising the cost on the system, after all it is coming out of the tax payers pocket, and it only benefits them directly, after all the victim gets their compensation.


This modern world is a miasma of misdirection and things will insist on looking one way while they are in fact quite different in reality. But the facts being fudged by the private sector and its unreasonable demands on an already overburdened and over taxed system, are still there to be seen and we don’t need to be shown where to look. Do we really have to wait until it all reaches breaking point before we collectively do the right thing, are we that self destructive by nature. The public sector is yet again subsidising the private sectors demands and it is coming out of the public purse, what will be our investment returns or has Gordon and the Muppets given our goods away yet again. Makes you wonder what the private sector has by the privates, just look at the diddy men in action and it looks like a great deal of string pulling is going on out of sight.


The private sector has had a subsidy from the public purse for generations placing unbearable strains on the taxing needs of a system that is in principle supposed to be able to fund itself, pay its own way but the reality is a lot different, just take a look at the government subsidising a bank, that must by its own rules should be fending for itself and be self sustaining in the market. They have had cash injections for generations and then they still bill us using the full letter of the law if we default on anything. The facts don’t support the hype that it all can work ‘just like it says on the tin’ yeah right mate. Milk and farming subsidies were all undermined when the big supermarkets took advantage of their weakened position, and bought the subsidised goods at discount prices, using contracts to force an unbearable condition on land managers. A natural stance for the private sector is never invest your own money if you can loose ‘use’ someone else’s, even the public purse is a dipping bag for all manner of grifters and shifters. Pile the pressure on a weakness and hold them to a strict contract and stoke up the pressure to force a default.


These are the rules of engagement for the ruthless and the greedy by nature. No matter how they profess the opposite. Their history is written and there to be seen, in these days of open information they have no place to hide.


Why is the central core ‘the public purse’ still subsidising the needs of a system that is supposed to pay its own way. Pay a living wage, be economically viable has a system of progress that is supposed to allow for advancement built into it. How is it that it does not pay its own way and leave enough for reinvestment as it goes. Why is this still going on in the wash of the present tidal pull in the economic sector.


Jails should be a place for incarcerating the violent and ruthless, with the facilities and resources to keep them there for the rest of their days if needed. Rehabilitation is more likely in areas where greed can be tempered in people that can be taught that they can no longer get away with breaking laws for gain. Behaviour adjustment is a time consuming process and the quick route out used to be finding god, but we have all stopped swallowing that old line. Sex offenders seem to be another lifetime addiction and we may have to face the fact that rehabilitation in this particular deviation of human need is the extreme exception to the rule. And we may have to look at incarceration for life as the only guarantee they don’t breed their own like ever again. Genetic castration is the extreme solution not allowing them to breed and infect their own, may be the only solution for the very violent and the absolute perverse. Thieves and joy riders seem to be at least in part redeemable. The fact that some can never be rehabilitated is a harsh reality, when do you give up on some one.


The public purse cannot stretch to meet all demands and some one has to make better decisions than a man that has professional advisors and doesn’t take their expert or informed insights or advice. This knee jerk reaction is clearly influenced by the search for weapons of mass destruction fiasco, but any leader worth his salt should have the ability to not be swayed by the unlikely potentials of a situation and have the focus of character and strength of will to take the clear path. It should all be glaringly obvious after more than a decade dealing with figures. How can facts be such a confusion to a pragmatic Scot.


Mind the ‘Doom and Gloom’ Gordon and remember you reap what you sow, so mind how you go.

About Chris

Kinda out there and kinda in here ish? Or is that just all over the place then

Posted on May 13, 2008, in Blairing Truth and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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